Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Big Move on the way

As of now, will be completely changing over to College Publisher 5.0, which is a development that weeks in the making that we are very, very excited about. Not only is it easier to modify and edit for us, but it will also be more user and multimedia friendly for you - our readers.

Well, hopefully you guys will like it.

That means the end for the 'Mirror Sports Blog' on For now, check here for a new link and some more immediate updates.

But once we make the change, expect more immediate and comprehensive coverage of the Fall Sports, some insight and preview into men's and women's basketball, and all the comments you can handle on Fairfield athletics. And, as always, the Live Game logs (glogs) on men's and women's Basketball home and (especially important) away games will continue this year in a new interactive format!

Stay tuned.

Thursday, September 4, 2008

Big Things are Happening

And, no, that's not just on the field. Currently, all of the top editors at 'The Mirror' are planning a comprehensive online relaunch for the Thursday, September 18th edition.

Thanks to the good people at College Publisher, the website will be completely revamped with new features and sections. Multimedia will be a big selling point, with new interactive blogs (meaning our old school 'Mirror Sports Blog' will be moving), podcasts, photo/video slide shows, and much, much more.

As for sports - get ready for interactive coverage of away men's and women's basketball games (chats and 'Cover It Live' features), podcasts for post-game audio, and updated polls and message boards.

Stay tuned. For now, continue to check 'The Mirror' website and this blog for updates.

As for me, it's time for the G-Men.